Chapter 3 Inequalities in one Variable

Section 3.1 Inequalities and their Solution Sets

3.1.2 Solving simple Inequalities

If the variable occurs isolated in the inequality, the solution set is an interval, see also info box 1.1.5:
Info 3.1.3
The solved inequalities have the following intervals as their solution sets:
  • x<a has the solution set ]-;a[ , i.e. all x less than a.
  • xa has the solution set ]-;a], i.e. all x less than or equal to a.
  • x>a has the solution set ]a;[ , i.e. all x greater than a.
  • xa has the solution set [a;[ , i.e. all x greater than or equal to a.
Here, x is the variable and a is a specific value. If the variable does not occur in the inequality anymore, the solution set is either = ]-;[ if the inequality is satisfied, or the empty set {} if the inequality is not satisfied.

The symbol means infinity. A finite interval has the form ]a;b[ which reads "all numbers between a and b". If the interval is bounded only on one side, we can write the symbol (right-hand side) or - (left-hand side) as the other bound.
As in the case of equations, one tries to find a solved inequality by applying transformations that do not change the solution set. The solution set can be read off from the solved inequality.
Info 3.1.4
To obtain a solved inequality from an unsolved inequality the following equivalent transformations are allowed:
  • adding a constant to both sides of the inequality: a<b is equivalent to a+c<b+c.
  • multiplying both sides of the inequality by a positive constant: a<b is equivalent to a·c<b·c if c>0.
  • multiplying both sides of the inequality by a negative constant and inverting the comparator: a<b is equivalent to a·c>b·c if c<0.

Example 3.1.5
The inequality - 3 4 x- 1 2 <2 is solved stepwise by the above transformations:

- 3 4 x- 1 2 <2                   + 1 2 - 3 4 x<2+ 1 2                    ·(- 4 3 ) x>- 4 3 (2+ 1 2 )                      simplifying x>- 20 6   =  - 10 3 .

So, the initial inequality has the solution set ]- 10 3 ;[ . Importantly, multiplying the inequality by the negative number - 4 3 inverts the comparator.

Exercise 3.1.6
Are the following inequalities true or false?
   1 2 >1- 1 3
   a2 2ab- b2 (where a and b are unknown numbers)
   1 2 < 2 3 < 3 4
  Let a<b, then also a2 < b2 .

Exercise 3.1.7
Find the solution sets of the following inequalities.
  1. 2x+1>3x-1 has the solution interval L = .
  2. -3x- 1 2 x+ 1 2 has the solution interval L = .
  3. x- 1 2 x+ 1 2 has the solution interval L = .
Enter the intervals in the form [a;b], ]a;b], etc., for the interval boundaries also fractions and infinity or -infinity can be used. Take care whether the interval boundaries are included or excluded.

Info 3.1.8
An inequality in one variable x is linear if on both sides of the inequality only multiples of x and constants occur. Each linear inequality can be transformed into a solved inequality by one of the equivalent transformations described in the info box 3.1.3.